User contributed code

This page is intended as a repository for user contributed code, suitable for use with Winteracter. If you have any code which you would like to submit for inclusion here, please send it to the email address given on the Support page. Please provide documentation or source code comments describing the purpose of the code and/or how to use it. Attribution will be provided for all contributed code.

Note: Where both ".zip" and ".tar.gz" are offered, both downloads contain the same material. One is a ZIP file containing files with Windows line endings. The other is a compressed tar file containing the same files, with Unix (Linux/macOS) line endings.

Package: Winter_Utils module
(.zip 11k)

(.tar.gz 10k)
Description: A module containing 19 routines which extend the Winteracter library. Mostly graphics related. Includes a text file describing each routine. To call routines in this module, simply add the Module_Winter_Utils.f90 source file to your Winteracter-based project and add a USE WINTER_UTILS statement to your calling code.
Author: Alf Bakken


Software on this page is provided "as is", with no guarantees of suitability for any particular purpose. Technical support is not offered by the owner of this site for this software, but questions may be posted on the forum.