News : Version 16.10
1st November 2024
Winteracter v16.10 is now available. This is the first release following its transition to non-commercial status.
Licence management has been reworked to allow v16.0 licence holders to install later versions. It is not necessary to obtain a new licence. Simply download here and use your existing 16.0 licence credentials.
Version 16.10 is a minor update, adding a handful of new functionality. It also addresses issues which will be transparent to most users, to do with installation, licensing and maintainability.
- Hardcopy headers/footers
- Headers/footers now supported in Windows Print Manager or PostScript hardcopy output via any of:
- Editor windows (WEditPrint or editor window Print option)
- Grids (WGridPrint or grid window Print option)
- Graphics hardcopy/export (IGrHardcopy)
- Image dumps (IGrPrintImage or WGlPrintImage)
- Headers can contain input or output file names or document descriptions.
- Footers can contain the page number and/or date/time of printing.
- PrintToFile and EPSFile hardcopy options
- The "print to file" option which was already supported by the graphics hardcopy/export and image dump Windows Print Manager drivers has been extended to editor window and grid printing, on Windows.
- The EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) option which was already supported by the graphics hardcopy/export and image dump PostScript drivers has been extended to editor window and grid printing, on Linux/macOS.
- "Scale" field added to SVG and raster image (BMP/PNG/JEPG/PCX) hardcopy options dialogs, allowing image size to be scaled while maintaining aspect ratio. Similar field added to the 3Dview Export Image dialog.
- Two new
WDateString and WTimeString routines return the current date or time in the local format. WDateToString can also return a supplied date in local format.
W3dFileType binary STL file identification refined, to allow more such files to be loaded by W3dLoad and 3Dview.
- New
WEditSetCommand routine moves the focus to an editor window's command line, where present.
WGridInsertRows now explicitly sets the state of new rows.
- GraphEd allows spider tag line cap/type and error bar line cap to be selected.
- Support for GCC 4.x on Windows has been dropped, aligning GNU support across all platforms to GCC 5.x onwards (i.e. all gfortran releases in the last decade). This is only likely to be of relevance to users of Lahey/GNU Fortran versions 1.0/1.1 (or the LGF version included with LF 7.5/7.6).
- The build platforms for the Linux/Mac implementations have both been updated to slightly newer systems and (in some cases) newer compiler versions. A broad range of recent Linux and macOS releases remain supported.
- Certain obsolete/deprecated features have been removed. Care has been taken to ensure that existing code can still build, without errors. Refer to the release notes for details.