IPgArea | Define size of Presentation Graphics area |
IPgClipRectangle | Clip PG plots to main or PG area |
IPgConFill2Granul | Set granularity for 2D fill-based contour plots |
IPgContourLabel | Define a label string for a 2D line-based contour plot |
IPgDecimalPlaces | Set number of decimal places in scale values |
IPgElevation | Define angle of elevation for view of 3D surface plot |
IPgExponent | Set exponent size/pos in logarithmic scale values |
IPgGridDirection | Set grid line direction on 3D surface plot |
IPgGridLines | Specify existence/colour of 3D surface grid lines |
IPgInit | Initialise PG routines/reallocate storage |
IPgKeyArea | Define area to contain key |
IPgMarker | Define marker number/size for a given data set |
IPgMarkerFrequency | Set marker frequency on line and X/Y pair plots |
IPgMissingData | Set missing data indicator(s) |
IPgNewPlot | Start a new presentation graphics plot |
IPgProjection | Define Z plane into which 2D contour plots are projected on 3D plots |
IPgRotation | Define angle of rotation for view of 3D surface plot |
IPgScaling | Select logarithmic/linear scaling on each of X/Y axes |
IPgTitlePos | Set the relative position of the title |
IPgUnitsXYZ | Define X/Y/Z units to use in Presentation Graphics area |
IPgUnitsPolar | Define units for polar plots |
IPgXGetScale | Interrogate X axis automatic scaling |
IPgXKeyPos | Set the relative position of an X-axis key |
IPgXLabelPos | Set the relative position of X-axis labels |
IPgXScaleAngle | Set rotation angle of X axis ticks and value strings |
IPgXScalePos | Set the relative position of the X-axis scale |
IPgXTickLength | Set length of X scale tick marks |
IPgXTickPos | Set position of X scale tick marks |
IPgXUserScale | Define scale points for X axis (override auto-scaling) |
IPgXUserScaleHist | Enable/define histogram X axis user scale |
IPgYGetScale | Interrogate Y axis automatic scaling |
IPgYLabelPos | Set the relative position of Y-axis labels |
IPgYScaleAngle | Set rotation angle of Y axis ticks and value strings |
IPgYScalePos | Set the relative position of the Y-axis scale |
IPgYTickLength | Set length of Y scale tick marks |
IPgYTickPos | Set position of Y scale tick marks |
IPgYUserScale | Define scale points for Y axis (override auto-scaling) |
IPgYUserScaleBar | Enable/define bar chart Y axis user scale |
IPgZGetScale | Interrogate Z axis automatic scaling |
IPgZLabelPos | Set the relative position of Z-axis labels |
IPgZScaleAngle | Set rotation angle of Z axis ticks and value strings |
IPgZScalePos | Set the relative position of the Z-axis scale |
IPgZTickLength | Set length of Z scale tick marks |
IPgZUserScale | Define scale points for Z axis (override auto-scaling) |
IPgAxes | Draw a set of axes (origin can be specified on 2D plots) |
IPgBorder | Draw a border round the Presentation Graphics area |
IPgKeyAll | Add a key describing all data sets |
IPgKeySingle | Add a key describing a single data set |
IPgTitle | Add a title to a Presentation Graphics display |
IPgXGraticules | Draw X-axis graticules (background scale lines) |
IPgXLabel | Add a label to the bottom X axis |
IPgXLabelTop | Add a label to the top X axis |
IPgXScale | Draw & label the bottom X-axis scale |
IPgXScaleTop | Draw & label the top X-axis scale |
IPgXText | Label bottom X axis scale with text instead of numbers |
IPgXTextTop | Label top X axis scale with text instead of numbers |
IPgYGraticules | Draw Y-axis graticules (background scale lines) |
IPgYLabelLeft | Add a label to the Y axis at the left of PG area |
IPgYLabelRight | Add a label to the Y axis at the right of PG area |
IPgYScaleLeft | Draw & label the left-hand Y-axis scale |
IPgYScaleRight | Draw & label the right-hand Y-axis scale |
IPgYTextLeft | Label left Y axis scale with text instead of numbers |
IPgYTextRight | Label right Y axis scale with text instead of numbers |
IPgZGraticules | Draw Z-axis graticules on a 3D surface plot |
IPgZLabelLeft | Add a label to Z axis at the left of a 3D surface plot |
IPgZLabelRight | Add a label to Z axis at the right of a 3D surface plot |
IPgZScale | Draw & label the Z axis scale on a 3D contour plot |
IPgZText | Label Z axis scale with text, not numbers |
IPgBarChart | Plot values in form of a 2/3 dimensional bar chart |
IPgColumnPlot | Plot values in form of a column plot |
IPgErrorBars | Add error bars to a line plot |
IPgErrorBarsXY | Add error bars to a polyline or scatter plot |
IPgFunctionLine | Plot a supplied function as a 2 dimensional line plot |
IPgHighLow | Plot max/min values as a 2/3 dimensional high/low histogram |
IPgHistogram | Plot values in form of a 2/3 dimensional histogram |
IPgLinePlot | Plot values in form of a line graph |
IPgLinePlotCol | Plot values in form of a line graph, varying colour |
IPgPieChart | Plot values in form of a pie chart |
IPgScatterPlot | Plot (x,y) values as a 2D scatter plot |
IPgScatterPlotCol | Plot (x,y,c) values as a 2D scatter plot |
IPgScatterPlot3D | Plot (x,y,z) values as a 3D scatter plot |
IPgScatterPlot3DCol | Plot (x,y,z,c) values as a 3D scatter plot |
IPgTableDouble | Plot double precision values in a table |
IPgTableInteger | Plot integer values in a table |
IPgTableReal | Plot real values in a table |
IPgTableString | Plot character strings in a table |
IPgVectorPlot | Plot (x,y,angle,length) data as a vector plot |
IPgXYPairs | Plot values as a series of joined 2D X-Y pairs |
IPgXYPairsCol | Plot values as a series of joined 2D X-Y pairs, varying colour |
IPgXYXTriplets | Plot values as a series of joined 3D X-Y-Z triplets |
IPgXYXTripletsCol | Plot values as a series of joined 3D X-Y-Z triplets, varying colour |
IPgColFill2 | 2D fill-based colour grid plot |
IPgConFill2 | 2D fill-based contour plot |
IPgConGrad2 | 2D fill-based graduated contour plot |
IPgContour2 | 2D line-based contour plot |
IPgSurf3Data | 3D surface from data |
IPgSurf3DataCol | 3D surface from data, point colours specified |
IPgSurf3DataCont | 3D surface from data, colour contours |
IPgSurf3Func | 3D surface from a function |
IPgSurf3FuncCont | 3D surface from a function, colour contours |
IPgSurf3HighLow | 3D high/low column plot from data |
IPgSurf3HighLowCol | 3D high/low column plot from data, point colours specified |
IPgSurf3Step | 3D stepped surface from data |
IPgSurf3StepCol | 3D stepped surface from data, point colours specified |
IPgSurf3StepCont | 3D stepped surface from data, colour contours |
IPgVolume3Col | 3D volume plot, (x,y,z) colour values |
IPgVolume3Cont | 3D volume plot, (x,y,z) data and contours |
IPgXYZSearchBox | Define size of search box to be used by IPgXYZToGrid and IPgXYZToGrid3D |
IPgXYZToGrid | Convert random (x,y,z) data to a rectangular grid |
IPgXYZToGrid3D | Convert random (x,y,z,v) data to a 3 dimensional grid |
IPgJoin2 | Draw a line in the 2D PG plotting space |
IPgJoin3 | Draw a line in the 3D PG plotting space |
IPgPolygonComplex2 | Draw/fill a polygon in the 2D PG plotting space |
IPgPolygonComplex3 | Draw/fill a polygon in the 3D PG plotting space |
IPgPolygonShaded2 | Draw/fill a shaded polygon in the 2D PG plotting space |
IPgPolygonShaded3 | Draw/fill a shaded polygon in the 3D PG plotting space |
IPgPolyLine2 | Draw a polyline in the 2D PG plotting space |
IPgPolyLine3 | Draw a polyline in the 3D PG plotting space |
IPgUnitsFromGrUnits | Convert to PG area units from main graphics area units |
IPgUnitsFromGrUnitsP | Convert to polar PG units from main graphics area units |
IPgUnitsToGrUnits | Convert from PG area units to main graphics area units |
IPgUnitsToGrUnitsP | Convert from polar PG units to main graphics area units |