Presentation Graphics : Subroutine Descriptions

Group PG(1) : Housekeeping/Option Selection

IPgArea Define size of Presentation Graphics area
IPgClipRectangle Clip PG plots to main or PG area
IPgConFill2Granul Set granularity for 2D fill-based contour plots
IPgContourLabel Define a label string for a 2D line-based contour plot
IPgDecimalPlaces Set number of decimal places in scale values
IPgElevation Define angle of elevation for view of 3D surface plot
IPgExponent Set exponent size/pos in logarithmic scale values
IPgGridDirection Set grid line direction on 3D surface plot
IPgGridLines Specify existence/colour of 3D surface grid lines
IPgInit Initialise PG routines/reallocate storage
IPgKeyArea Define area to contain key
IPgMarker Define marker number/size for a given data set
IPgMarkerFrequencySet marker frequency on line and X/Y pair plots
IPgMissingData Set missing data indicator(s)
IPgNewPlot Start a new presentation graphics plot
IPgProjection Define Z plane into which 2D contour plots are projected on 3D plots
IPgRotation Define angle of rotation for view of 3D surface plot
IPgScaling Select logarithmic/linear scaling on each of X/Y axes
IPgTitlePos Set the relative position of the title
IPgUnitsXYZ Define X/Y/Z units to use in Presentation Graphics area
IPgUnitsPolar Define units for polar plots
IPgXGetScale Interrogate X axis automatic scaling
IPgXKeyPos Set the relative position of an X-axis key
IPgXLabelPos Set the relative position of X-axis labels
IPgXScaleAngle Set rotation angle of X axis ticks and value strings
IPgXScalePos Set the relative position of the X-axis scale
IPgXTickLength Set length of X scale tick marks
IPgXTickPos Set position of X scale tick marks
IPgXUserScale Define scale points for X axis (override auto-scaling)
IPgXUserScaleHist Enable/define histogram X axis user scale
IPgYGetScale Interrogate Y axis automatic scaling
IPgYLabelPos Set the relative position of Y-axis labels
IPgYScaleAngle Set rotation angle of Y axis ticks and value strings
IPgYScalePos Set the relative position of the Y-axis scale
IPgYTickLength Set length of Y scale tick marks
IPgYTickPos Set position of Y scale tick marks
IPgYUserScale Define scale points for Y axis (override auto-scaling)
IPgYUserScaleBar Enable/define bar chart Y axis user scale
IPgZGetScale Interrogate Z axis automatic scaling
IPgZLabelPos Set the relative position of Z-axis labels
IPgZScaleAngle Set rotation angle of Z axis ticks and value strings
IPgZScalePos Set the relative position of the Z-axis scale
IPgZTickLength Set length of Z scale tick marks
IPgZUserScale Define scale points for Z axis (override auto-scaling)

Group PG(2) : Axes Plotting/Annotation

IPgAxes Draw a set of axes (origin can be specified on 2D plots)
IPgBorder Draw a border round the Presentation Graphics area
IPgKeyAll Add a key describing all data sets
IPgKeySingle Add a key describing a single data set
IPgTitle Add a title to a Presentation Graphics display
IPgXGraticulesDraw X-axis graticules (background scale lines)
IPgXLabel Add a label to the bottom X axis
IPgXLabelTop Add a label to the top X axis
IPgXScale Draw & label the bottom X-axis scale
IPgXScaleTop Draw & label the top X-axis scale
IPgXText Label bottom X axis scale with text instead of numbers
IPgXTextTop Label top X axis scale with text instead of numbers
IPgYGraticulesDraw Y-axis graticules (background scale lines)
IPgYLabelLeft Add a label to the Y axis at the left of PG area
IPgYLabelRightAdd a label to the Y axis at the right of PG area
IPgYScaleLeft Draw & label the left-hand Y-axis scale
IPgYScaleRightDraw & label the right-hand Y-axis scale
IPgYTextLeft Label left Y axis scale with text instead of numbers
IPgYTextRight Label right Y axis scale with text instead of numbers
IPgZGraticulesDraw Z-axis graticules on a 3D surface plot
IPgZLabelLeft Add a label to Z axis at the left of a 3D surface plot
IPgZLabelRightAdd a label to Z axis at the right of a 3D surface plot
IPgZScale Draw & label the Z axis scale on a 3D contour plot
IPgZText Label Z axis scale with text, not numbers

Group PG(3) : Chart/Graph Plotting

IPgBarChart Plot values in form of a 2/3 dimensional bar chart
IPgColumnPlot Plot values in form of a column plot
IPgErrorBars Add error bars to a line plot
IPgErrorBarsXY Add error bars to a polyline or scatter plot
IPgFunctionLine Plot a supplied function as a 2 dimensional line plot
IPgHighLow Plot max/min values as a 2/3 dimensional high/low histogram
IPgHistogram Plot values in form of a 2/3 dimensional histogram
IPgLinePlot Plot values in form of a line graph
IPgLinePlotCol Plot values in form of a line graph, varying colour
IPgPieChart Plot values in form of a pie chart
IPgScatterPlot Plot (x,y) values as a 2D scatter plot
IPgScatterPlotCol Plot (x,y,c) values as a 2D scatter plot
IPgScatterPlot3D Plot (x,y,z) values as a 3D scatter plot
IPgScatterPlot3DColPlot (x,y,z,c) values as a 3D scatter plot
IPgTableDouble Plot double precision values in a table
IPgTableInteger Plot integer values in a table
IPgTableReal Plot real values in a table
IPgTableString Plot character strings in a table
IPgVectorPlot Plot (x,y,angle,length) data as a vector plot
IPgXYPairs Plot values as a series of joined 2D X-Y pairs
IPgXYPairsCol Plot values as a series of joined 2D X-Y pairs, varying colour
IPgXYXTriplets Plot values as a series of joined 3D X-Y-Z triplets
IPgXYXTripletsCol Plot values as a series of joined 3D X-Y-Z triplets, varying colour

Group PG(4) : Contour/Surface Plotting

IPgColFill2 2D fill-based colour grid plot
IPgConFill2 2D fill-based contour plot
IPgConGrad2 2D fill-based graduated contour plot
IPgContour2 2D line-based contour plot
IPgSurf3Data 3D surface from data
IPgSurf3DataCol 3D surface from data, point colours specified
IPgSurf3DataCont 3D surface from data, colour contours
IPgSurf3Func 3D surface from a function
IPgSurf3FuncCont 3D surface from a function, colour contours
IPgSurf3HighLow 3D high/low column plot from data
IPgSurf3HighLowCol3D high/low column plot from data, point colours specified
IPgSurf3Step 3D stepped surface from data
IPgSurf3StepCol 3D stepped surface from data, point colours specified
IPgSurf3StepCont 3D stepped surface from data, colour contours
IPgVolume3Col 3D volume plot, (x,y,z) colour values
IPgVolume3Cont 3D volume plot, (x,y,z) data and contours
IPgXYZSearchBox Define size of search box to be used by IPgXYZToGrid and IPgXYZToGrid3D
IPgXYZToGrid Convert random (x,y,z) data to a rectangular grid
IPgXYZToGrid3D Convert random (x,y,z,v) data to a 3 dimensional grid

Group PG(5) : Presentation Graphics Primitives

IPgJoin2 Draw a line in the 2D PG plotting space
IPgJoin3 Draw a line in the 3D PG plotting space
IPgPolygonComplex2 Draw/fill a polygon in the 2D PG plotting space
IPgPolygonComplex3 Draw/fill a polygon in the 3D PG plotting space
IPgPolygonShaded2 Draw/fill a shaded polygon in the 2D PG plotting space
IPgPolygonShaded3 Draw/fill a shaded polygon in the 3D PG plotting space
IPgPolyLine2 Draw a polyline in the 2D PG plotting space
IPgPolyLine3 Draw a polyline in the 3D PG plotting space
IPgUnitsFromGrUnits Convert to PG area units from main graphics area units
IPgUnitsFromGrUnitsPConvert to polar PG units from main graphics area units
IPgUnitsToGrUnits Convert from PG area units to main graphics area units
IPgUnitsToGrUnitsP Convert from polar PG units to main graphics area units

Group PG(6) : Style Selection

IPgStyle Set style of presentation of a set of data
IPgStyle3DAxes Set fill-style/colour of 3D axes
IPgStyleAxes Set axes line style
IPgStyleBorder Set border line style
IPgStyleErrorBar Set error bar line style
IPgStyleGraticule Set graticule line style
IPgStyleKey Set key border line style and b/g colour
IPgStyleOutline Set histogram, bar chart, high-low plot, pie-chart outline colour
IPgStyleSpiderTag Set pie-chart/column-plot spider tag line style
IPgStyleText Set various text colours
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