OpenGL : Subroutine Descriptions
Group GL : OpenGL Support
WglInfoDrawable | Return information about current OpenGL drawable |
WglInput | Interactively locate a graphical object in an OpenGL drawable |
WglInputDrag | Interactively drag a graphical object in an OpenGL drawable |
WglPalette | Change the OpenGL palette on a 256 colour display |
WglPickFacet | Find front-most facet from 2D coordinates, from model created by Winteracter's own 3D routines |
WglPrintImage | Print current OpenGL drawable (bit image dump) |
WglProjectP | Get projected 2D coordinates, from model created by Winteracter's own 3D routines |
WglReadPixels | Read colour pixel data from OpenGL drawable |
WglSaveImage | Save current OpenGL drawable in BMP/PNG/JPEG/PCX format |
WglSelect | Select drawable for OpenGL output |
WglShow | Use OpenGL to render a model created by Winteracter's own 3D routines |
WglShowViewport | Sets the viewport used by WglShow |
WglSwapBuffers | Exchange front/back OpenGL buffers |
WglTextDouble | Output a double precision value |
WglTextFont | Select font (family/style/spacing) |
WglTextInteger | Output an integer value |
WglTextLength | Return string length allowing for proportional spacing |
WglTextOrientation | Select OpenGL text alignment |
WglTextReal | Output a real value |
WglTextString | Output a string |
WglTextWidth | Specify width of a proportionally spaced character |