3D Modelling : Subroutine Descriptions
Group 3C : Model Creation
W3dClose | Close model, deallocate storage |
W3dExtrudeLine | Create open object by extruding a polyline |
W3dExtrudePolygon | Create open/closed object by extruding a polygon |
W3dFacet | Add a facet to model |
W3dFacetDelete | Delete facets from model |
W3dIsosurface | Create an isosurface from gridded data and an isovalue |
W3dIsosurfaceCount | Count facets in an isosurface from gridded data |
W3dIsosurfaceFunc | Create an isosurface from f(x,y,z) and an isovalue |
W3dIsosurfaceFuncCount | Count facets in an isosurface from f(x,y,z) |
W3dLine | Add a line to model |
W3dLineDelete | Delete lines from model |
W3dMaterial | Define a material (colour/shine/gloss) |
W3dMaterialFacet | Set material for a specific facet |
W3dMaterialLine | Set material for a specific line |
W3dMaterialN | Define current material number |
W3dNew | Start a new 3D model |
W3dRevolve | Create an object by rotating a polyline |
W3dVertices | Add vertices to model |
W3dVerticesDelete | Delete vertices from model |
Group 3M : Matrix Manipulation
W3dGetMatrix | Get current modelview transformation matrix |
W3dMatrix | Set current modelview transformation matrix |
W3dRotate | Apply a rotation around an axis or an arbitrary vector |
W3dScale | Apply a scaling factor |
W3dTranslate | Apply a translation |
Group 3V : Model View
W3dEye | Set eye position and an optional reference point |
W3dLight | Set position of the light source for lit rendition methods |
W3dProjection | Choose perspective or orthographic projection |
W3dShow | Display the model using any one of seven rendition methods |
Group 3P : Parts
W3dPartDelete | Delete parts from model |
W3dPartFind | Find part number of specified part name |
W3dPartGetName | Retrieve name of a part |
W3dPartMaterial | Set material for a part |
W3dPartNew | Start a new part |
W3dPartPutName | Set the name of a part |
W3dPartTransform | Transform a part by the current transformation matrix |
W3dPartVisible | Set the visibility of a part |
Group 3T : Text Handling
W3dTextDouble | Add double precision value string to model |
W3dTextFont | Select 3D text font |
W3dTextInteger | Add integer value string to model |
W3dTextLength | Measure relative length of a 3D text string |
W3dTextOrientation | Specify string alignment |
W3dTextReal | Add real value string to model |
W3dTextString | Add character string to model |
W3dTextWidth | Control proportional font spacing |
Group 3F : Model File Handling
W3dFileInfo | Report information about a 3D model file |
W3dFileType | Report a 3D model file's type |
W3dLoad | Load a W3D/DXF/STL/OBJ 3D model file |
W3dSave | Save the current 3D model to a W3D/DXF/STL/OBJ file |
Group 3C : Model Projection/Picking
W3dPickFacetP | Find front-most facet from 2D coordinates (pixels) |
W3dPickFacetU | Find front-most facet from 2D coordinates (graphics units) |
W3dProjectP | Get projected 2D coordinates (pixels) |
W3dProjectU | Get projected 2D coordinates (graphics units) |