Graphics Text : Subroutine Descriptions

Group GT : Graphics Text

WGrTextBlock Output a formatted block of text in a rectangle
WGrTextBlockLength Report number of lines occupied by a text block
WGrTextDouble Output a double precision value
WGrTextFont Select font (family/style/size/spacing)
WGrTextInteger Output an integer value
WGrTextLength Return string length allowing for proportional spacing
WGrTextMakeFont Convert software font definition to source code
WGrTextOptions Set graphics text options
WGrTextOrientation Select graphics text alignment, angle and direction
WGrTextReal Output a real value
WGrTextString Output a string
WGrTextSubstitution Enable/disable software font substittution
WGrTextWidth Specify width of a proportionally spaced character
WGrOFontDingo Load outline software font (Dingo)
WGrOFontFixed Load outline software font (Fixed)
WGrOFontRoman Load outline software font (Roman)
WGrOFontSwiss Load outline software font (Swiss)
WGrOFontSymbol Load outline software font (Symbol)
WGrVFontComplexCyrillicLoad vector software font (Complex Cyrillic)
WGrVFontComplexGreek Load vector software font (Complex Greek)
WGrVFontComplexRoman Load vector software font (Complex Roman)
WGrVFontComplexScript Load vector software font (Complex Script)
WGrVFontDuplexRoman Load vector software font (Duplex Roman)
WGrVFontISSSymbols Load vector software font (ISS Symbols)
WGrVFontSimplexGreek Load vector software font (Simplex Greek)
WGrVFontSimplexRoman Load vector software font (Simplex Roman)
WGrVFontSimplexScript Load vector software font (Simplex Script)
WGrVFontStandard Load vector software font (Standard)
WGrVFontTriplexRoman Load vector software font (Triplex Roman)
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