IGrColour | Select graphics colour using a colour name |
IGrColourClear | Select clear-area colour |
IGrColourModel | Select 8-bit or 24-bit colour model |
IGrColourN | Select graphics colour using a colour number |
IGrFillPattern | Define fill pattern (solid/stippled/hatched) |
IGrLineCap | Select line cap style (butt, round, projecting square) |
IGrLineJoin | Select line join style (mitre, round, bevel) |
IGrLineType | Select line type (solid, dots, dashes, etc.) |
IGrLineWidth | Set line width |
IGrPalette | Redefine colour palette |
IGrPaletteInit | Re-initialise palette |
IGrPlotMode | Select plotting mode (normal/and/or/exclusive-or) |
IGrArc | Draw/fill circular arc at an absolute position |
IGrArcRel | Draw/fill circular arc at the current position |
IGrArrow | Draw an arrow pointing to a specified position |
IGrArrowJoin | Draw an arrow joining two points |
IGrBlockCopy | Bit block copy |
IGrBlockMove | Bit block move |
IGrBorder | Draw border around current graphics area |
IGrCircle | Draw/fill circle at an absolute position |
IGrCircleRel | Draw/fill circle at the current position |
IGrEllipse | Draw/fill an ellipse at an absolute position |
IGrEllipseRel | Draw/fill an ellipse at the current position |
IGrJoin | Draw line between two absolute plotting positions |
IGrJoinRel | Draw line from absolute position to a relative pos |
IGrLineTo | Draw line to a new absolute position |
IGrLineToRel | Draw line to a new relative position |
IGrMarker | Draw predefined marker at an absolute position |
IGrMarkerRel | Draw predefined marker at the current position |
IGrMoveTo | Move current plotting position to a new absolute pos |
IGrMoveToRel | Move current plotting position to a new relative pos |
IGrParallel | Draw/fill parallelogram given absolute co-ordinates |
IGrParallelRel | Draw/fill parallelogram given height & width |
IGrPoint | Draw a single point at new absolute position |
IGrPointRel | Draw a single point at new relative position |
IGrPolygonComplex | Draw/fill a complex (possibly intersecting) polygon |
IGrPolygonGrad | Fill a horizontally/vertically graduated polygon |
IGrPolygonShaded | Fill a shaded polygon, RGB value specified for each vertex |
IGrPolygonSimple | Draw/fill a simple non-intersecting polygon |
IGrPolyLine | Draw a polyline through a set of absolute co-ordinates |
IGrRectangle | Draw/fill rectangle given absolute co-ordinates |
IGrRectangleRel | Draw/fill rectangle given height & width |
IGrTrapezium | Draw/fill trapezium given absolute co-ordinates |
IGrTrapeziumRel | Draw/fill trapezium given height & width |
IGrTriangle | Draw/fill triangle given absolute co-ordinates |
IGrTriangleRel | Draw/fill triangle given two relative co-ordinates |
WGrBezier | Draw a Bezier curve |
WGrBezierPoints | Calculate and return the points of a Bezier curve |
WGrBSpline | Draw a cubic B-Spline curve |
WGrBSplinePoints | Calculate and return the points of a cubic B-Spline curve |
WGrCurve | Draw a curve which passes through all the supplied points |
WGrCurvePoints | Calculate and return the points of a coincident curve |