General : Subroutine Descriptions
Group MI : Miscellaneous
WCompress | Compress character data (Zlib compression) |
WCursorXY | Set mouse cursor pos in window units |
WDecimal | Enable/disable regional decimal point support |
WEmailSend | Send email with optional attachments |
WEncoding | Set string encoding on Linux/Mac |
WFlushBuffer | Flush X Windows buffer (null function on Windows) |
WHelpFile | Display a help file (HLP, CHM, HTML or PDF) |
WHelpViewer | Select HTML viewer on Linux |
WindowBell | Sound the bell |
WInitialise | Initialise Winteracter internal data |
WPlayMovie | Play a movie file (e.g. MOV, AVI, MPEG) |
WPlaySound | Play a sound file (WAV or MP3) |
WSort | Quick sort (character/integer/real/double arrays) |
WSoundFileInfo | Return information about a sound file |
WUnCompress | Uncompress character data (Zlib compression) |
WUnitNumber | Set Fortran unit number for Winteracter's internal i/o |
Group SA : Save Array Data
WSaveCSVDouble | Save a double precision array as a CSV or TSV file |
WSaveCSVInteger | Save an integer array as a CSV or TSV file |
WSaveCSVReal | Save a real array as a CSV or TSV file |
WSaveCSVString | Save a character array as a CSV or TSV file |
WSaveHTMLDouble | Save a double precision array as an HTML table |
WSaveHTMLInteger | Save an integer array as an HTML table |
WSaveHTMLReal | Save a real array as an HTML table |
WSaveHTMLString | Save a character array as an HTML table |
Group DG : Debugging
IDebug | Write a string to a diagnostic file |
IDebugComplex | Write a string and complex value to a diagnostic file |
IDebugDouble | Write a string and double precision to a diagnostic file |
IDebugFile | Set debug output file name |
IDebugInteger | Write a string and integer to a diagnostic file |
IDebugLogical | Write a string and logical to a diagnostic file |
IDebugLevel | Set the error reporting level |
IDebugReal | Write a string and real to a diagnostic file |
Group CC : Colour Conversion/Manipulation
WCMY | Convert (cyan,magenta,yellow) to 24-bit RGB value |
WCMYsplit | Convert 24-bit RGB value to (cyan,magenta,yellow) |
WHLS | Convert (hue,lightness,saturation) to 24-bit RGB value |
WHLSsplit | Convert 24-bit RGB value to (hue,lightness,saturation) |
WRGB | Convert (red,green,blue) to 24-bit RGB value |
WRGBcount | Count colours in a RGB or RGBT data array |
WRGBnearest | Find nearest to a spacified colour in a palette |
WRGBpalette | Build a palette table from a list of RGB/RGBT values |
WRGBsplit | Convert 24-bit RGB value to (red,green,blue) |
WRGBToString | Convert 24-bit RGB value to string |
WRGBT | Convert (red,green,blue,trans) to 32-bit RGBT value |
WRGBTblend | Use Alpha blending to merge two RGBT values |
WRGBTsplit | Convert 32-bit RGBT value to (red,green,blue,trans) |
Group DT : Date/Time Manipulation
WDateDayOfWeek | Calculate day of the week specified by the supplied date |
WDateDaysInMonth | Calculate days in specified month of specified year |
WDateDifference | Calculate number of days between two dates |
WDateLeapYear | Determine whether specified year is a leap year |
WDateString | Get today's date as a string in local format |
WDateToString | Convert supplied date to a string (format selectable) |
WTimeString | Get current time as a string in local format |
WTimeToString | Convert supplied time to a string (format selectable) |
Group PF : Preference File Handling
WPrefDir | Get/create preferences directory |
WPrefExists | Check for preferences file existence |
WPrefGetString | Get next keyword value pair from preference file |
WPrefOpen | Open preference file |
WPrefPutDouble | Write a keyword and double precision value pair to preference file |
WPrefPutInteger | Write a keyword and integer value pair to preference file |
WPrefPutLogical | Write a keyword and logical value pair to preference file |
WPrefPutReal | Write a keyword and real value pair to preference file |
WPrefPutString | Write a keyword and character value pair to preference file |
Group CH : Character Manipulation Routines
IDoubleToString | Convert a double precision value to a string |
IFillString | Fill a character string with a given character |
IJustifyString | Justify a string within a character variable |
ILocateChar | Locate position of first non blank character |
ILocateString | Locate position of first non blank sub-string |
ILowerCase | Convert a string to lower case |
IndexNoCase | Case independent equivalent of the INDEX intrinsic |
IndexWild | Equivalent of INDEX intrinsic, with wildcard and case support |
INextDouble | Extract/clear next substring & return as double prec. |
INextInteger | Extract/clear next substring & return as integer |
INextReal | Extract/clear next substring & return as real |
INextString | Extract/clear next substring & return as string |
IntegerToString | Convert an integer value to a string |
IntValueOfChar | Return integer value of a numeric character |
IRealToString | Convert a real value to a string |
IStringToDouble | Convert a string to a double precision value |
IStringToInteger | Convert a string to an integer value |
IStringToReal | Convert a string to a real value |
IUpperCase | Convert a string to upper case |
WFileExtension | Return the file extension portion of a supplied filename |
Group MM : Maximum/Minimum Calculations
IDoubleMax1 | Return maximum value of a 1 dim. double prec array |
IDoubleMax2 | Return maximum value of a 2 dim. double prec array |
IDoubleMaxMin1 | Return max & min of a 1 dimensional double prec array |
IDoubleMaxMin2 | Return max & min of a 2 dimensional double prec array |
IDoubleMin1 | Return minimum value of a 1 dim. double prec array |
IDoubleMin2 | Return minimum value of a 2 dim. double prec array |
IRealMax1 | Return maximum value of a 1 dimensional real array |
IRealMax2 | Return maximum value of a 2 dimensional real array |
IRealMaxCum2 | Return max cumulative row value of a 2 dim. real array |
IRealMaxFunc1 | Return maximum value of a real function taking 1 arg |
IRealMaxFunc2 | Return maximum value of a real function taking 2 args |
IRealMaxMin1 | Return max & min of a 1 dimensional real array |
IRealMaxMin2 | Return max & min of a 2 dimensional real array |
IRealMaxMinFunc1 | Return max & min of a real function taking 1 arg |
IRealMaxMinFunc2 | Return max & min of a real function taking 2 args |
IRealMin1 | Return minimum value of a 1 dimensional real array |
IRealMin2 | Return minimum value of a 2 dimensional real array |
IRealMinFunc1 | Return minimum value of a real function taking 1 arg |
IRealMinFunc2 | Return minimum value of a real function taking 2 args |