General : Subroutine Descriptions

Group MI : Miscellaneous

WCompress Compress character data (Zlib compression)
WCursorXY Set mouse cursor pos in window units
WDecimal Enable/disable regional decimal point support
WEmailSend Send email with optional attachments
WEncoding Set string encoding on Linux/Mac
WFlushBuffer Flush X Windows buffer (null function on Windows)
WHelpFile Display a help file (HLP, CHM, HTML or PDF)
WHelpViewer Select HTML viewer on Linux
WindowBell Sound the bell
WInitialise Initialise Winteracter internal data
WPlayMovie Play a movie file (e.g. MOV, AVI, MPEG)
WPlaySound Play a sound file (WAV or MP3)
WSort Quick sort (character/integer/real/double arrays)
WSoundFileInfo Return information about a sound file
WUnCompress Uncompress character data (Zlib compression)
WUnitNumber Set Fortran unit number for Winteracter's internal i/o

Group SA : Save Array Data

WSaveCSVDouble Save a double precision array as a CSV or TSV file
WSaveCSVInteger Save an integer array as a CSV or TSV file
WSaveCSVReal Save a real array as a CSV or TSV file
WSaveCSVString Save a character array as a CSV or TSV file
WSaveHTMLDouble Save a double precision array as an HTML table
WSaveHTMLIntegerSave an integer array as an HTML table
WSaveHTMLReal Save a real array as an HTML table
WSaveHTMLString Save a character array as an HTML table

Group DG : Debugging

IDebug Write a string to a diagnostic file
IDebugComplexWrite a string and complex value to a diagnostic file
IDebugDouble Write a string and double precision to a diagnostic file
IDebugFile Set debug output file name
IDebugIntegerWrite a string and integer to a diagnostic file
IDebugLogicalWrite a string and logical to a diagnostic file
IDebugLevel Set the error reporting level
IDebugReal Write a string and real to a diagnostic file

Group CC : Colour Conversion/Manipulation

WCMY Convert (cyan,magenta,yellow) to 24-bit RGB value
WCMYsplit Convert 24-bit RGB value to (cyan,magenta,yellow)
WHLS Convert (hue,lightness,saturation) to 24-bit RGB value
WHLSsplit Convert 24-bit RGB value to (hue,lightness,saturation)
WRGB Convert (red,green,blue) to 24-bit RGB value
WRGBcount Count colours in a RGB or RGBT data array
WRGBnearest Find nearest to a spacified colour in a palette
WRGBpalette Build a palette table from a list of RGB/RGBT values
WRGBsplit Convert 24-bit RGB value to (red,green,blue)
WRGBToStringConvert 24-bit RGB value to string
WRGBT Convert (red,green,blue,trans) to 32-bit RGBT value
WRGBTblend Use Alpha blending to merge two RGBT values
WRGBTsplit Convert 32-bit RGBT value to (red,green,blue,trans)

Group DT : Date/Time Manipulation

WDateDayOfWeek Calculate day of the week specified by the supplied date
WDateDaysInMonthCalculate days in specified month of specified year
WDateDifference Calculate number of days between two dates
WDateLeapYear Determine whether specified year is a leap year
WDateString Get today's date as a string in local format
WDateToString Convert supplied date to a string (format selectable)
WTimeString Get current time as a string in local format
WTimeToString Convert supplied time to a string (format selectable)

Group PF : Preference File Handling

WPrefDir Get/create preferences directory
WPrefExists Check for preferences file existence
WPrefGetString Get next keyword value pair from preference file
WPrefOpen Open preference file
WPrefPutDouble Write a keyword and double precision value pair to preference file
WPrefPutInteger Write a keyword and integer value pair to preference file
WPrefPutLogical Write a keyword and logical value pair to preference file
WPrefPutReal Write a keyword and real value pair to preference file
WPrefPutString Write a keyword and character value pair to preference file

Group CH : Character Manipulation Routines

IDoubleToString Convert a double precision value to a string
IFillString Fill a character string with a given character
IJustifyString Justify a string within a character variable
ILocateChar Locate position of first non blank character
ILocateString Locate position of first non blank sub-string
ILowerCase Convert a string to lower case
IndexNoCase Case independent equivalent of the INDEX intrinsic
IndexWild Equivalent of INDEX intrinsic, with wildcard and case support
INextDouble Extract/clear next substring & return as double prec.
INextInteger Extract/clear next substring & return as integer
INextReal Extract/clear next substring & return as real
INextString Extract/clear next substring & return as string
IntegerToString Convert an integer value to a string
IntValueOfChar Return integer value of a numeric character
IRealToString Convert a real value to a string
IStringToDouble Convert a string to a double precision value
IStringToIntegerConvert a string to an integer value
IStringToReal Convert a string to a real value
IUpperCase Convert a string to upper case
WFileExtension Return the file extension portion of a supplied filename

Group MM : Maximum/Minimum Calculations

IDoubleMax1 Return maximum value of a 1 dim. double prec array
IDoubleMax2 Return maximum value of a 2 dim. double prec array
IDoubleMaxMin1 Return max & min of a 1 dimensional double prec array
IDoubleMaxMin2 Return max & min of a 2 dimensional double prec array
IDoubleMin1 Return minimum value of a 1 dim. double prec array
IDoubleMin2 Return minimum value of a 2 dim. double prec array
IRealMax1 Return maximum value of a 1 dimensional real array
IRealMax2 Return maximum value of a 2 dimensional real array
IRealMaxCum2 Return max cumulative row value of a 2 dim. real array
IRealMaxFunc1 Return maximum value of a real function taking 1 arg
IRealMaxFunc2 Return maximum value of a real function taking 2 args
IRealMaxMin1 Return max & min of a 1 dimensional real array
IRealMaxMin2 Return max & min of a 2 dimensional real array
IRealMaxMinFunc1Return max & min of a real function taking 1 arg
IRealMaxMinFunc2Return max & min of a real function taking 2 args
IRealMin1 Return minimum value of a 1 dimensional real array
IRealMin2 Return minimum value of a 2 dimensional real array
IRealMinFunc1 Return minimum value of a real function taking 1 arg
IRealMinFunc2 Return minimum value of a real function taking 2 args
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