Text Editor : Subroutine Descriptions

Group ED(1) : Editor Window Management

WEditClose Close a buffer in a multi-buffer editor
WEditFile Edit/view a text file
WEditFilterIndex Set the default file selector filter in an editor
WEditFind Find a string in an editor window
WEditFindString Set the Find and Replace strings/options
WEditFont Set font in an editor window
WEditFormatPara Set paragraph formatting in an RTF editor
WEditFormatText Set text formatting in an RTF editor
WEditPos Convert between character and line positions
WEditPrint Print the contents of an editor window
WEditPrintOptionsSet editor printing options
WEditPrompt Add a command prompt to an editor window
WEditSave Invoke editor's Save/Save As menu option
WEditSelectBufferSelect buffer in multi-buffer mode
WEditSelection Set the selection in an editor
WEditSetCommand Set focus to editor command line
WEditSetPos Set the editor cursor position
WEditState Set editor window update state
WEditUndo Set/invoke editor undo options

Group ED(2) : Assign/retrieve Editor Contents

WEditGetCommand Get the contents of an editor's command line
WEditGetHistory Get editor command line history
WEditGetText Get the entire contents of text editor
WEditGetTextPart Get partial contents of text editor
WEditPutCommand Set the contents of an editor's command line
WEditPutHistory Set editor command line history
WEditPutText Set the entire contents of text editor
WEditPutTextPart Set partial contents of text editor

Group ED(3) : Line-oriented Editor Operations

WEditLineDelete Delete a line in a text editor
WEditLineGet Get the contents of a line in a text editor
WEditLineLength Interrogate the length of a line in a text editor
WEditLinePut Insert or replace a line in a text editor
WEditLineSet Move the cursor to a line in a text editor
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